public Undertow build()
@Deprecated public Undertow.Builder addListener(int port, String host)
@Deprecated public Undertow.Builder addListener(int port, String host, Undertow.ListenerType listenerType)
public Undertow.Builder addListener(Undertow.ListenerBuilder listenerBuilder)
public Undertow.Builder addHttpListener(int port, String host)
public Undertow.Builder addHttpsListener(int port, String host, KeyManager[] keyManagers, TrustManager[] trustManagers)
public Undertow.Builder addHttpsListener(int port, String host, SSLContext sslContext)
public Undertow.Builder addAjpListener(int port, String host)
public Undertow.Builder addHttpListener(int port, String host, HttpHandler rootHandler)
public Undertow.Builder addHttpsListener(int port, String host, KeyManager[] keyManagers, TrustManager[] trustManagers, HttpHandler rootHandler)
public Undertow.Builder addHttpsListener(int port, String host, SSLContext sslContext, HttpHandler rootHandler)
public Undertow.Builder addAjpListener(int port, String host, HttpHandler rootHandler)
public Undertow.Builder setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
@Deprecated public Undertow.Builder setBuffersPerRegion(int buffersPerRegion)
public Undertow.Builder setIoThreads(int ioThreads)
public Undertow.Builder setWorkerThreads(int workerThreads)
public Undertow.Builder setDirectBuffers(boolean directBuffers)
public Undertow.Builder setHandler(HttpHandler handler)
public <T> Undertow.Builder setServerOption(org.xnio.Option<T> option, T value)
public <T> Undertow.Builder setSocketOption(org.xnio.Option<T> option, T value)
public <T> Undertow.Builder setWorkerOption(org.xnio.Option<T> option, T value)
public <T> Undertow.Builder setWorker(org.xnio.XnioWorker worker)
will be created according to the various worker-related configuration (ioThreads, workerThreads, workerOptions) when Undertow.start()
is called. Additionally, this newly created worker will be shutdown when Undertow.stop()
is called. XnioWorker
will be reused instead of creating a new XnioWorker
when Undertow.start()
is called. Additionally, the provided XnioWorker
will NOT be shutdown when Undertow.stop()
is called. Essentially, the lifecycle of the provided worker must be maintained outside of the Undertow
instance.Copyright © 2017 JBoss by Red Hat. All rights reserved.