Interface | Description |
Cookie | A HTTP cookie. |
GracefulShutdownHandler.ShutdownListener | A listener which can be registered with the handler to be notified when all pending requests have finished. |
HttpUpgradeHandshake | Server side upgrade handler. |
Class | Description |
AccessControlListHandler | Handler that can accept or reject a request based on an attribute of the remote peer todo: should we support non-regex values for performance reasons? |
AccessControlListHandler.Builder | |
AllowedMethodsHandler | Handler that whitelists certain HTTP methods. |
AllowedMethodsHandler.Builder | |
AttachmentHandler<T> | Handler that adds an attachment to the request |
BlockingHandler | A HttpHandler that initiates a blocking request. |
BlockingHandler.Builder | |
ByteRangeHandler | Handler for Range requests. |
ByteRangeHandler.Builder | |
ByteRangeHandler.Wrapper | |
CanonicalPathHandler | |
CanonicalPathHandler.Builder | |
ChannelUpgradeHandler | An HTTP request handler which upgrades the HTTP request and hands it off as a socket to any XNIO consumer. |
ConfiguredPushHandler | Handler that pushes resources based on a provided URL |
ConnectHandler | Handlers HTTP CONNECT requests, allowing the server to act as a forward proxy. |
CookieImpl | |
DateHandler | Deprecated |
DisableCacheHandler | Handler that disables response caching by browsers and proxies. |
DisableCacheHandler.Builder | |
DisallowedMethodsHandler | Handler that blacklists certain HTTP methods. |
DisallowedMethodsHandler.Builder | |
ExceptionHandler | Handler that dispatches to a given handler and allows mapping exceptions to be handled by additional handlers. |
GracefulShutdownHandler | Handler that allows for graceful server shutdown. |
HttpContinueAcceptingHandler | Handler that provides support for HTTP/1.1 continue responses. |
HttpContinueReadHandler | Handler for requests that require 100-continue responses. |
HttpTraceHandler | A handler that handles HTTP trace requests |
HttpTraceHandler.Builder | |
IPAddressAccessControlHandler | Handler that can accept or reject a request based on the IP address of the remote peer. |
IPAddressAccessControlHandler.Builder | |
JDBCLogHandler | |
JDBCLogHandler.Builder | |
LearningPushHandler | Handler that builds up a cache of resources that a browsers requests, and uses server push to push them when supported. |
LearningPushHandler.Builder | |
LocalNameResolvingHandler | A handler that performs DNS lookup to resolve a local address. |
LocalNameResolvingHandler.Builder | |
MetricsHandler | Handler that records some metrics |
MetricsHandler.MetricResult | |
NameVirtualHostHandler | A HttpHandler that implements virtual hosts based on the Host: http header header. |
OriginHandler | A handler for the HTTP Origin (RFC 6454) header. |
PathHandler | Handler that dispatches to a given handler based of a prefix match of the path. |
PathSeparatorHandler | A handler that translates non slash separator characters in the URL into a slash. |
PathSeparatorHandler.Builder | |
PathTemplateHandler | A handler that matches URI templates |
PathTemplateHandler.PathTemplateMatch | Deprecated |
PeerNameResolvingHandler | A handler that performs reverse DNS lookup to resolve a peer address |
PeerNameResolvingHandler.Builder | |
PredicateContextHandler | Handler that sets up the predicate context |
PredicateHandler | |
ProxyPeerAddressHandler | Handler that sets the peer address to the value of the X-Forwarded-For header. |
ProxyPeerAddressHandler.Builder | |
RedirectHandler | A redirect handler that redirects to the specified location via a 302 redirect. |
RedirectHandler.Builder | |
RequestBufferingHandler | Handler that will buffer all request data |
RequestBufferingHandler.Builder | |
RequestBufferingHandler.Wrapper | |
RequestDumpingHandler | Handler that dumps a exchange to a log. |
RequestDumpingHandler.Builder | |
RequestLimit | Represents a limit on a number of running requests. |
RequestLimitingHandler | A handler which limits the maximum number of concurrent requests. |
RequestLimitingHandler.Builder | |
ResponseCodeHandler | A handler which simply sets a response code. |
ResponseRateLimitingHandler | Handler that limits the download rate |
ResponseRateLimitingHandler.Builder | |
SetAttributeHandler | Handler that can set an arbitrary attribute on the exchange. |
SetAttributeHandler.Builder | |
SetAttributeHandler.ClearBuilder | |
SetHeaderHandler | Set a fixed response header. |
SetHeaderHandler.Builder | |
SSLHeaderHandler | Handler that sets SSL information on the connection based on the following headers: |
SSLHeaderHandler.Builder | |
StoredResponseHandler | A handler that buffers the full response and attaches it to the exchange. |
StoredResponseHandler.Builder | |
StuckThreadDetectionHandler | This valve allows to detect requests that take a long time to process, which might indicate that the thread that is processing it is stuck. |
StuckThreadDetectionHandler.Builder | |
StuckThreadDetectionHandler.Wrapper | |
URLDecodingHandler | A handler that will decode the URL and query parameters to the specified charset. |
URLDecodingHandler.Builder |
Enum | Description |
LocalNameResolvingHandler.ResolveType | |
PeerNameResolvingHandler.ResolveType |
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