Interface | Description |
JsrWebSocketLogger | log messages start at 26000 |
JsrWebSocketMessages | start at 3000 |
ServerWebSocketContainer.PauseListener | |
WebsocketClientSslProvider | Interface that is loaded from a service loader, that allows you to configure SSL for web socket client connections. |
WebSocketDeploymentInfo.ContainerReadyListener | |
WebSocketReconnectHandler | A reconnect handler for web socket connections. |
Class | Description |
Bootstrap | |
ConfiguredClientEndpoint | |
ConfiguredServerEndpoint | |
DefaultContainerConfigurator | Server default container configurator. |
DefaultPongMessage | Default PongMessage implementation |
DefaultWebSocketClientSslProvider | Client SSL provider that gets the SSL context in one of two ways. |
Encoding | Manages all encoders and decoders for an endpoint instance |
EncodingFactory | Factory class that produces encoding instances for an endpoint. |
EndpointSessionHandler | WebSocketConnectionCallback implementation which will setuo the UndertowSession and notify the Endpoint about the new session. |
ExtensionImpl | |
ExtensionImpl.ParameterImpl | |
JsrWebSocketFilter | Filter that provides HTTP upgrade functionality. |
OrderedExecutor | Executor that executes tasks in the order they are submitted, using at most one thread at a time. |
ServerEndpointConfigImpl | |
ServerWebSocketContainer | ServerContainer implementation which allows to deploy endpoints for a server. |
SessionContainer | |
UndertowContainerProvider | |
UndertowSession | Session implementation which makes use of the high-level WebSocket API of undertow under the hood. |
WebSocketDeploymentInfo | Web socket deployment information |
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