Class and Description |
DeploymentInfo Represents a servlet deployment. |
DeploymentManager.State |
ErrorPage A servlet error page mapping |
FilterInfo |
InstanceFactory Factory that creates fully injected component instances. |
ListenerInfo |
LoginConfig |
SecurityConstraint |
ServletContainer |
ServletInfo |
WebResourceCollection |
Class and Description |
AuthMethodConfig |
AuthorizationManager Authorization manager. |
ClassIntrospecter Interface that is provided by the container to create a servlet / filter / listener definition from a given class, based on the annotations present on the class. |
ConfidentialPortManager A utility to take the HttpServerExchange of the current request and obtain the number of the port number to use in https redirects. |
CrawlerSessionManagerConfig |
DefaultServletConfig Deprecated. |
Deployment Runtime representation of a deployment. |
DeploymentInfo Represents a servlet deployment. |
DeploymentManager Manager that can be used to deploy and undeploy a servlet deployment. |
DeploymentManager.State |
ErrorPage A servlet error page mapping |
ExceptionHandler An exception handler allows you to perform custom actions when an exception propagates out of the servlet handler chain. |
FilterInfo |
FilterMappingInfo |
FilterMappingInfo.MappingType |
HttpMethodSecurityInfo |
InstanceFactory Factory that creates fully injected component instances. |
InstanceHandle A handle for a container managed instance. |
LifecycleInterceptor Class that is run around invocations of servlet and filter lifecycle methods (init and destroy). |
LifecycleInterceptor.LifecycleContext |
ListenerInfo |
LoggingExceptionHandler An exception handler that |
LoggingExceptionHandler.Builder |
LoginConfig |
MetricsCollector An interface that can be used to collect Servlet metrics |
MimeMapping |
SecurityConstraint |
SecurityInfo |
SecurityInfo.EmptyRoleSemantic Equivalent to ServletSecurity.EmptyRoleSemantic but with an additional mode to require authentication but no role check. |
SecurityRoleRef |
ServletContainer |
ServletContainerInitializerInfo |
ServletDispatcher |
ServletInfo |
ServletSecurityInfo |
ServletSessionConfig Session config that gets |
ServletStackTraces |
SessionConfigWrapper A class that allows the SessionConfig to be wrapped. |
SessionManagerFactory Factory class used to create a session manager |
SessionPersistenceManager Interface that is used in development mode to support session persistence across redeploys. |
SessionPersistenceManager.PersistentSession |
SingleConstraintMatch Representation of a single security constrain matched for a single request. |
ThreadSetupAction Deprecated. |
ThreadSetupAction.Handle Deprecated. |
ThreadSetupHandler |
ThreadSetupHandler.Action |
TransportGuaranteeType |
WebResourceCollection |
Class and Description |
AuthorizationManager Authorization manager. |
Deployment Runtime representation of a deployment. |
DeploymentInfo Represents a servlet deployment. |
DeploymentManager Manager that can be used to deploy and undeploy a servlet deployment. |
DeploymentManager.State |
FilterInfo |
InstanceHandle A handle for a container managed instance. |
ListenerInfo |
ServletContainer |
ServletDispatcher |
ServletInfo |
SessionManagerFactory Factory class used to create a session manager |
SingleConstraintMatch Representation of a single security constrain matched for a single request. |
ThreadSetupAction Deprecated. |
ThreadSetupHandler |
ThreadSetupHandler.Action |
TransportGuaranteeType |
Class and Description |
CrawlerSessionManagerConfig |
Deployment Runtime representation of a deployment. |
ServletDispatcher |
SessionPersistenceManager Interface that is used in development mode to support session persistence across redeploys. |
SingleConstraintMatch Representation of a single security constrain matched for a single request. |
TransportGuaranteeType |
Class and Description |
AuthorizationManager Authorization manager. |
ConfidentialPortManager A utility to take the HttpServerExchange of the current request and obtain the number of the port number to use in https redirects. |
DeploymentInfo Represents a servlet deployment. |
SecurityConstraint |
Class and Description |
Deployment Runtime representation of a deployment. |
FilterInfo |
ServletContainer |
ServletInfo |
Class and Description |
ClassIntrospecter Interface that is provided by the container to create a servlet / filter / listener definition from a given class, based on the annotations present on the class. |
InstanceFactory Factory that creates fully injected component instances. |
InstanceHandle A handle for a container managed instance. |
SessionPersistenceManager Interface that is used in development mode to support session persistence across redeploys. |
SessionPersistenceManager.PersistentSession |
Class and Description |
ClassIntrospecter Interface that is provided by the container to create a servlet / filter / listener definition from a given class, based on the annotations present on the class. |
DeploymentInfo Represents a servlet deployment. |
InstanceFactory Factory that creates fully injected component instances. |
InstanceHandle A handle for a container managed instance. |
ThreadSetupHandler |
Class and Description |
InstanceHandle A handle for a container managed instance. |
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