Class and Description |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
ParameterLimitException Exception that is thrown if the max query or path parameter limit is exceeded |
Class and Description |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AbstractAttachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AbstractAttachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
Class and Description |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
ConduitFactory |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
Class and Description |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
AttachmentList |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
HeaderToken Representation of a token allowed within a header. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AbstractAttachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
ConduitFactory |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
ParameterLimitException Exception that is thrown if the max query or path parameter limit is exceeded |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
ETag |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
ConduitFactory |
Class and Description |
MimeMappings |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
Class and Description |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
ETag |
MimeMappings |
Class and Description |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
AttachmentList |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
Class and Description |
AbstractAttachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AbstractAttachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AbstractAttachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
AttachmentList |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
Class and Description |
Attachable A thing which can have named attachments. |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
AttachmentList |
ByteRange Represents a byte range for a range request |
ByteRange.Range |
ByteRange.RangeResponseResult |
ConcurrentDirectDeque A concurrent deque that allows direct item removal without traversal. |
ConduitFactory |
ETag |
FlexBase64.Decoder Controls the decoding process. |
FlexBase64.DecoderInputStream An input stream which decodes bytes as they are read from a stream with Base64 encoded data. |
FlexBase64.DecoderOutputStream An output stream which decodes base64 data written to it, and writes the decoded output to the wrapped inner stream. |
FlexBase64.Encoder Controls the encoding process. |
FlexBase64.EncoderInputStream An input stream which encodes bytes as they are read from a stream. |
FlexBase64.EncoderOutputStream An output stream which base64 encodes all passed data and writes it to the wrapped target output stream. |
HeaderMap An optimized array-backed header map. |
HeaderToken Representation of a token allowed within a header. |
HeaderValues An array-backed list/deque for header string values. |
HttpString An HTTP case-insensitive Latin-1 string. |
MimeMappings |
MimeMappings.Builder |
MultipartParser.ParseState |
MultipartParser.PartHandler |
ParameterLimitException Exception that is thrown if the max query or path parameter limit is exceeded |
PathMatcher Handler that dispatches to a given handler based of a prefix match of the path. |
PathMatcher.PathMatch |
PathTemplate Represents a parsed web socket path template. |
PathTemplateMatch The result of a path template match. |
PathTemplateMatcher Utility class that provides fast path matching of path templates. |
PathTemplateMatcher.PathMatchResult |
QValueParser.QValueResult |
ReferenceCountedPooled.FreeNotifier |
SubstringMap.SubstringMatch |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
Class and Description |
PathTemplate Represents a parsed web socket path template. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
Class and Description |
AttachmentKey An immutable, type-safe object attachment key. |
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